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Air & Water Quality


We believe making you comfortable in your home isn’t only about keeping you warm in winter and cool in summer. It’s also about the peace of mind that comes from knowing the water you drink and use in your home is pure. That’s why we offer water filtration solutions to provide excellent water quality that’s superior to tap water, fridge-filtered and pitcher systems.

Water treatment and the quality of our water at home is more crucial to our health and comfort than most people might think. Home water systems that offer water through a reverse osmosis system, a water treatment system that produces purified water or a water softener system are some of the water solutions available to improve your water quality.

The typical person uses about 75 gallons of water each day – or nearly 300 litres – for cooking, cleaning, bathing, laundry and, of course, drinking. However, for optimum health and well-being, it’s vital that our water’s quality is the best it can be.

Some Benefits

  • Purified water on tap
  • Removal of unwanted contaminants and minerals, including sodium that can impact taste and smell, as well as pesticides, chlorine, arsenic and detergents
  • Water that’s more convenient and affordable than bottled water
  • Compare with the environmental impact of delivery trucks or sending plastic bottles to landfills
  • Purified water that’s available to rinse fresh foods for cooking
  • Crystal-clean ice cubes – you can see and taste the difference


Extend the Life of your HVAC System

Not only can a build-up of dust and debris lead to expensive repairs, but a clogged furnace and ducts can cause your furnace to fail completely or become significantly damaged, leading to a complete replacement of your HVAC system. Installing a HEPA air purifier in your home will considerably decrease the amount of dust and debris that circulates throughout our homes and accumulates in our HVAC system.

Health Benefits

Being exposed to poor air quality in your home can cause a number of different adverse health effects.

Keep Your Home Clean

a HEPA air purifier to clean the air circulating throughout your home can significantly reduce the amount of accumulating dust and dirt all around your house, and keep your house significantly cleaner.

To request a free quote, call (416) 665-4822 or toll free at 1-833-665-4822 today!